Since 1954, Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina has been a sanctuary for children who are hurting. One man’s dream-turned-reality began the day A.D. Peacock, a Whiteville civic club member and local funeral home owner, found a desperate family struggling to survive. He took action immediately and saved seven cold, hungry and penniless siblings on the brink of starvation. From that day forward, Mr. Peacock vowed to make a difference to many more.

In the mid-1960’s, all six Rotary Club districts in North Carolina took on the challenge of building a cottage on the Boys Home campus. It was completed and dedicated in 1966.

To honor Rotary Cottage’s 40th anniversary, the cottage was remodeled and all new furniture provided. Donations continue today from Rotarians, Rotary Clubs and others to support the Rotary initiative to help children in need in North Carolina.

Today, more than 7,500 children have benefited from the services of B&G Home. These children have come from virtually every corner and county in North Carolina. These children have all suffered some degree of neglect and abuse.

Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina is dedicated to providing a comprehensive array of residential and community-based services to meet the needs of vulnerable children by addressing their physical, emotional, social, educational and spiritual development.

How can Rotarians help?

Two major statewide Rotary events are the cornerstones for the civic organization’s relationship with B&G Home. Annually, Rotarians travel to Lake Waccamaw for Rotary Day. Rotarians enjoy a catered lunch, short program, and a visit to the boys in the Rotary Cottage as well as a campus tour.

Ever June, Rotarian efforts are focused on the Old Dominion Rotary Golf Tournament in Southern Pines. Rotarians from across the state participate in the fundraiser and enjoy one of the state’s highly rated Pinehurst area golf courses.

Interaction between the boys in the Rotary Cottage and Rotary Clubs is absolutely critical to letting these boys know that their sponsors care about them. Consider sponsoring a social activity with the boys – either an off-campus event or a social/recreational event on campus.

To schedule a speaker or visit to your club, contact Mason Smith, Director of Civic Club Relations at [email protected] or 910-646-3083.

District 7730 Co-Chairs for Boys and Girls Home:

Vince Juric, South Brunswick Islands Rotary Club

Michelle Hardee, Wilmington Central Rotary Club


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